Saturday, 1 February 2014

Amrita Entrance Examination – Engineering 2014 notification

Amrita Entrance Examination–Engineering 2014

Amrita Entrance Exam is scheduled for sunday,13th April  2014(FN)
More details about the exam are provided in the Information Handbook.
For admission enquiry contact : 0422 – 2685169 / 70 ( 9 AM – 4 PM ) on working days.

About Amrita Entrance Examination - Engineering 2014

Date of Entrance Exam: 13th April 2014 (Sunday FN). 

The entrance exam is of 3 hour duration. It will be conducted in 75 cities. The Information Handbookprovides more details about the exam. The University brochure gives brief description about the facilities available in the University. University brochure and Information Handbook are included in the Application packet. 

Entrance Examination Pattern

The duration of the Examination is 3 hours (10 AM to 1 PM). There will be only one question paper containing objective type questions in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Each question will be followed by four answers of which only one is correct / most appropriate. The question booklet will be in English. Each question carries 3 marks. Negative mark (-1) will be awarded for each wrong answer.

Subject Combination : 

50 questions
35 questions
35 questions
Total No. of Questions-120 questions
Total Marks ( 120 x 3 )=360 marks

Eligibility Criteria for 2014 Entrance Examination

Age - Candidates shall be born on or after 1st July 1993. 

Educational Qualification - A pass in 10+2 (class XII)or its equivalent securing an aggregate of 60% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with not less than 55% marks in each of these three subjects. 


A three year Diploma in Engineering with minimum 60% marks, awarded by any State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent.

Note: Those who appear for the above examinations in March/April 2014 may also apply. 

Seat allotment through Counselling will be based on the eligibility and rank obtained by the Candidate in the Amrita Entrance Examination - Engineering 2014.


For all enquiries related to the Entrance Examination, and admission based on the entrance examination, please call 0422 - 2685 169 / 170 between 9.00 am - 4.00 pm on working days. 


  1. No candidate will be allowed to appear for the Entrance Examination without valid hall ticket. In the Examination hall, candidate should produce the hall ticket when demanded by the invigilator.
  2. The Hall Ticket generated by the software will contain the Registration Number of the candidate and address of the Exam centre allotted to the candidate.
  3. Candidates shall download the Hall Tickets from the University website by entering Application Number and Date of Birth. Hall Tickets will not be sent by post.
  4. In the examination hall each candidate shall sign the attendance sheet. This signature shall be identical with the signatures on the Application form and the Hall Ticket. During the examination,the candidate's left hand thumb impression also will be taken in the attendance sheet for identification. Thumb impression will be taken again at the time of admission for comparison.
  5. Candidates shall retain their hall tickets used at the examination hall having seal and signature of the invigilator and produce the same at the time of counselling


Important Dates for 2014 B.Tech. Entrance Examination

Date of Entrance Examination13 - 04 - 2014 ( Sunday - 10:00 am To 01:00 pm )
Issue of Application forms begins16 - 12 - 2013
Last date of issue of application forms21 - 03 - 2014
Last date for receiving filled-in applications24 - 03 - 2014


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